what to do if your friend and lover dislike each other reddit

9 Things a True Friend Would Never Do to You

An acquaintance has a trivial something in mutual with you and merely enjoys your visitor for a short fourth dimension.  A fair-weather friend flatters y'all when the sunday is shining and the birds are chirping.  A true friend, on the other paw, has your very all-time interests at heart and would NEVER…

one.  Criticize you for being flawed.

As flawed as you lot might be, as out of place every bit y'all sometimes feel, and as defective as you think you are, you don't have to hibernate all the imperfect pieces of yourself from a truthful friend.  They see your flaws as features that brand you interesting and beautiful.

The quality of the happiness between two people grows in directly proportion to their acceptance, and in inverse proportion to their intolerance and expectations.  True friends love and appreciate each other just the style they are.

2.  Walk away when times get tough.

True friendship and good graphic symbol is all nigh how a person nurtures another person when they are vulnerable and tin give very little in return.  Thus, information technology's not who'south continuing beside y'all during proficient times, but the ones who stick past you through tough times that are your true friends.

And then take note of who remains in your life when times get tough, specially the people who sacrifice the resources they have in their life to help you improve yours when y'all demand it most.  Seriously, when you lot come out the other side of a difficult menstruation in your life, expect effectually you lot.  The people still standing abreast you are your true friends.

3.  Discourage you lot.

Unfortunately, some who seem similar your friends will try to hold you back from your full potential.  It may be difficult, but don't let these negative imposters bring you downwardly.  Don't always permit your so-called friends plough your sky into a ceiling.  Beware of friends who try to scoff your ambitions.  Small hearts and minds e'er do that.  The greatest hearts and minds – the people you lot should spend time around – brand yous experience that you, besides, can become neat.

Recall, encouraging things happen when you altitude yourself from discouraging people.  Doing so doesn't mean you hate them, it simply means you respect yourself. (Angel and I discuss this in more than particular in the "Relationships" chapter of 1,000 Picayune Things Happy, Successful People Exercise Differently.)

four.  Hold a grudge over your caput.

Some people volition pass up to accept that you are no longer who you lot used to be – that you've made mistakes in the by, learned from them, and moved beyond them.  They may not be able to stand the fact that you're growing and moving on with your life, and so they will effort to drag your past to catch up with you.  Do non help them by acknowledging their begrudging behavior.  Let become of their negativity, find peace, and liberate yourself!

A true friend never holds the unchangeable past against you; instead, they help your repair your nowadays and future.  If someone relentlessly judges yous by your past and holds it against you, you might have to take matters into your ain hands, and repair your present and hereafter by leaving them backside.

five.  Lie to yous.

When you go on someone in your life who is a chronic liar, and you lot keep giving them new chances to be trusted, y'all have a lot in common with this person – you're both lying and being unfriendly to Yous.

If you know someone who avoids the truth by telling you only what you want to hear, they do so for their own benefit, not yours.  They are not a truthful friend and they don't deserve to be treated equally such.

half-dozen.  Pretend like they have all the answers.

If you call back about the people who take had the greatest positive effect on your life – the ones who truly made a difference – you lot will probable realize that they aren't the ones that tried to give you all the answers or solve all your problems.  They're the ones who sabbatum silently with you when yous needed a moment to call up, who lent you a shoulder when yous needed to weep, and who tolerated not having all the answers, but stood abreast you anyway.

Don't look for a friend who will solve all your problems; look for one who will face them with y'all. (Read Tuesdays with Morrie.)

vii.  Accept from y'all without giving back.

You lot deserve to exist with friends who make yous smile – friends who don't accept you for granted – friends who won't leave you hanging.  When yous find that a friend is e'er taking from you without giving back, yous might need to altitude yourself from them for a while.  If they care, they'll notice.  If they don't, you know where you lot stand.

You should want to give, but you shouldn't be forced to ever requite more than yous become.  If you feel similar you are being taken advantage of, respect yourself plenty to face up the situation.  This doesn't mean you have to cease existence friends with those who yous feel are at error, only you demand to evaluate your friendships and realize where to draw the line when y'all give yourself to certain people.

8.  Corking you lot.

Information technology takes a peachy bargain of courage to stand up to your enemies, but just as much to stand upwardly to your friends.  Sometimes bullying comes from the most unlikely places.  Be cognizant of how your friends treat you, and await out for the subtle jabs they throw.  When necessary, confront them or distance yourself from them – whatever it takes to give yourself the opportunity to grow into who you really are.

Life'south too short to exist hanging effectually people who endeavour to control and dispense you.  Anyone who does then is non a true friend.  Gain your independence by taking off the shackles and freeing yourself from these bullies. (Read The Mastery of Love.)

ix.  Make y'all feel similar y'all're burdening them.

Truthful friendship is never burdened with stressful promises and obligations.  What true friends practice for each other should exist washed because they care and because they want to exercise them.  Period.

Then don't hunt people.  They don't demand to exist chased.  If someone is a true friend and wants you in their life, they'll brand room for y'all.  Y'all shouldn't have to fight for a spot.  Never, ever force yourself on someone who continuously overlooks your worth.


A truthful friend who understands your tears and troubles is far more valuable than a hundred friends who only show up for your smiles and joys.  Because a true friend accepts who you truly are, and also helps you become who y'all are capable of beingness.

Friendships similar this require more than only finding the right person, they besides require you to be the right person.  When someone believes in you enough to lift you up, try not to let them down.  True friendship is a sweet responsibility to be nurtured, not an opportunity to be exploited.

Your plough…

What would you add to the list?  What's i affair a true friend would never do?  Leave a comment beneath and allow us know.

Photo past: JDConway


Source: https://www.marcandangel.com/2013/07/21/9-things-a-true-friend-would-never-do/

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