Reading the Battle of the Labyrinth Fanfiction

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Oh, fanfiction! How I dear yous, my guilty little pleasure! Information technology is the ultimate outlet for all of my pent-up frustration for What If? and But What About? For Percy Jackson fans, the official Universe is e'er-expanding; there are a plethora of opportunities to explore alternating universes or vignettes betwixt books. That's where the best Percy Jackson fanfiction comes in–like icing betwixt the writer'southward layers of block.

Give-and-take of alarm though: Fanfiction is a slippery slope into a very very deep hole. There are some great stories and then there are some accented tropey tales.

A couple of things to annotation before nosotros jump into the best Percy Jackson fanfiction:

  • The post-obit recommendations are based on y'all being familiar with the official and original series of The Lightning Thief: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. At that place are many MANY more than books that come from this only The Lightning Thief is where it all started. If you are non familiar with this book, click on the link in a higher place and buy the book right now. By the whole Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It is brilliant and worth information technology.
  • Fanfiction can be One-Shot, Ongoing, Incomplete, or Complete
    AU means Alternate Universe with some variation to the original Catechism storylines
  • Not all Fanfiction is Character Loyal; some is OOC (out of character)
    Not every human relationship is True Love–eg. There are as many pairings of Percy with other characters equally there are pairing Percy with Annabeth
  • Fanfiction ranges from 'All Ages' to 'Developed But'. While the core series is child-friendly, fanfiction doesn't e'er play by the same rules
  • Final warning: Fanfiction is a Rabbit Hole that will have you to Hades and then some. Be prepared to lose fourth dimension every bit you explore the creative minds of the most avid fans.

Also, want more books similar Percy Jackson? We got you lot.

I-Shot Percy Jackson Fanfiction

The Torch of Hestia past driftingskies

Takes identify before The Lost Hero and after The Terminal Olympian. It has a great showtime, true to the feel of Riordan himself. Hestia's Olympic Torch is missing and she asks Percy and Annabeth to aid find it. Action-packed and with a core fight scene, this is a brusk simply sweetness start to your fanfic journey.

Honey, Let Me Sing Y'all a Vocal past HecateA

HecateA seems to specialise in one-shots; from Percy Jackson to Harry Potter, and a few other pop fandoms in between. Her stand-alones are sweet picayune insights into the characters, which is exactly the kind of fanfiction yous want. Honey, Permit Me Sing Yous a Song is one of my faves because it is a romantic play with Aphrodite and bear upon of music. Equally a bonus, I also recommend A 3rd of Life, featuring the best mum of all: Sally Jackson.

Incomplete or Ongoing Percy Jackson Fanfiction

Son of the Western Ocean past Mac Ceallach (half-dozen Chapters)

Even though this one is incomplete and mayhap abandoned, what is here is enjoyable. I peculiarly love the bringing in characters from other mythologies like Shinto and Hindu. Plus, this has a far deeper character evolution for Percy.

Gambit'due south Refrain by paradoxed (four Chapters)

If you're yet looking for some Artemis love, paradoxed has an Artemis/Percy Transport waiting to sheet. This one is positively lovely. Yet, I will warn yous now–it will pause your center.

Characters Beyond Percy Jackson

Firsts by

Stretching out from Percy's firsthand earth, Firsts is completely focused on Calypso and Leo. It is filled with romantic moments and all the firsts of a budding relationship.

Obviously by ThePraetorLady

Another story looking at the characters who make full the Percy Jackson universe; this time nosotros are visiting Reyna and Jason, during their higher years. Information technology has the usual pairings and romance but quite a bit of fun with friends likewise.

The Coming of Nico di Angelo by ninjagirlmai

And now for something a fiddling different: A Percy Jackson/Harry Potter crossover. This is mutual in fanfiction when fans dream of their favourite characters meeting beyond multiple universes. I accept a soft spot for Nico and placing him in Hogwarts gives him a fantastic opportunity for his better qualities to shine. Chapters i-43 are the complete story; Chapter 44 and onwards are embellishments.

With the Lights On by nikkiRA

On the other hand, if you want to escape all the fantasy and just dive straight into the relationships and characters, there is no amend identify to first than with Nico di Angelo. That boy needs some love! And yes, Will Solace is in that location too.

When Everything Goes Wrong

Purgatory past BloodRedDemon on FanFiction

For a slight horror affect, let's pretend Percy didn't come back from Tartarus unscathed. He has come back simply it's not quite the same. And I like a darker twist to things.

Percy Jackson and the Prison of the Gods by Projection Phoenix Amanuensis 003

No, Annabeth!! How could y'all?!? How could y'all choose Luke over Percy?!? Wait, this is fanfiction. Anything is possible. And if you ever wondered what the Percy Jackson Universe would exist like IF Kronos had won, and then read on.

Alter One LIttle Thing and That's How you Become AU

Ocean'south Wings by lyricalgurl8

It wouldn't be a 'best of Percy Jackson fanfiction' if we didn't include a gender-switch. This ane has Percy as female and a scrap more than interaction with Luke. I think the biggest departure to Percy here, as well the gender-switch, would be the smarts–Percy now has the wisdom of Athena also. And that's … well… interesting.

Grim Olympian Tales: Firm of Flickering Candles past Felicity Dream

I beloved Grim fairytales and all the shadows that lurk with them. There is something delicious about the dark potential of Percy in the world of Godfather Death. Poseidon has left Percy in the care of Hades, equally a way to appeasement His Sulkiness afterward the Broken Oath.

Champion of the Sun (consummate) by Avarianus

This is so good, it has two sequels, Trials of the Sea and Harbingers. It starts with Apollo raising Percy as his champion, and already you know that won't bode well. There is far more involvement from Artemis and her Hunters only the highlight for me volition always be the interactions with Apollo. I'm a elementary nerd.

Thalia Grace & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by advictorem

Because perchance, just mayhap, the best Percy Jackson fanfiction involves Thalia Non being royally screwed over by her ain male parent.

Son of Chaos by kevin1984

Even the best-laid plans can throw yous a curve-ball. And there is zero worse than giving information technology your all and receiving no appreciation for it. For this AU re-telling, Perseus loses it all but is immune to re-do everything–this time not equally the Son of Poseidon but every bit the Son of Chaos.

The Legacy of Asgard by Anaklusmos14

Another crossover of sorts, however, this ane is still within the same Universe; just a different mythos. While we have loved Percy Jackson and the Olympians since the starting time, my unabridged family unit was actress excited when Riordan explored other mythologies and legends like Ancient Egyptian and Norse Mythology. The Legacy of Asgard is a bit like that, bringing Percy into the Norse family while still interacting with the Olympians. A beautiful blend of worlds and information technology is counterbalanced so well with the characters.

Shift to Ancient Times

A Crown of Golden Leaves by the evilteddybear

The all-time Percy Jackson fanfiction doesn't need to stay in the modern world. For some fans, the appeal lies in the history and mythos surrounding these legends; not surprising since they come from the creative mind of a history teacher! Placing Annabeth and Percy in Ancient Rome is a lilliputian bit out of the usual fanfiction merely it works with both the storytelling and the politics of the time.

Altered Destinies past Anaklusmos14

The Ancient Greeks were very fatalistic in their ideals of destiny and prophecy. The concept of AU would be easily accepted inside many Greek Tragedies, peculiarly when considering whether a horrible twist in one's childhood could prevent the fulfilment of 1's destiny. In this story, Percy is orphaned and abandoned on the streets by the age of ten. Despite his bitter view on life, he is nevertheless 'touched by the gods'.

Lord Perseus Kid of Rome by Anaklusmos14

Office of the entreatment of Percy is his 'demi-god' status. Every bit a demi-god, Percy still retains some of his humanity, allowing for character flaws and risks to be taken. Move him to an AU where he is a fully-fledged god, and you nevertheless accept the flaws that come from mythology (because we all know the gods are messed up) but you have an extra level of ability to consider too. I know I have already referenced one story from Anaklusmos14 but this is worthy of adding to the list.

Keeping information technology Real (even with Fanfiction)

Our Bedchamber Subsequently the War by Rocio Kristal Freytes Martin

This is a very existent and almost tangible Percy Jackson fanfic that directly addresses the issue of PTSD; which makes a lot of sense when you consider everything Percy and Annabeth go through in the series.

Now, call back: merely like Hades, it is easy enough to enter the world of Percy Jackson fanfiction. The hard role is coming back out again.


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