Can I Upload My Simplesite Blog to Bloggers?

Because edifice a blog has gotten so much easier in recent years, here are my picks for the x all-time complimentary blogging sites you should utilize to create your first site and lay the foundation for what's to come in your blogging journey.

Blogging has a long and rich history. Since 1993, people have been creating blogs that interest them, generate income or assist promote their main businesses.

Since you're here on my web log, I'1000 guessing you're interested in starting a blog of your own.

You lot may take a calling deep to weblog near a personal passion. Or, yous may want to get-go a niche web log as a side hustle to brand coin blogging outside of your day job. Whether you desire to create a weblog for family pictures, for monetization, or to let the world know about your passions—chances are, you don't desire to spend a lot of coin to become things started.

While in that location are a lot of blogging platforms available today, non all of them are costless. A gratis blogging site, however, allows you to experiment without creating a financial strain. Information technology'due south an first-class mode to become creative and find your voice without spending much of anything aside from your own time up forepart.

If you want to use a gratuitous blogging site to ability your web log, I've compiled my list of the 10 all-time free blogging sites you lot can get started with right abroad.

10 All-time Free Blogging Sites to Build Your Blog for Free in 2022

  1. WordPress (Cocky-Hosted)
  2. Wix
  4. Weebly
  5. Medium
  6. Blogger
  7. Ghost
  8. Tumblr
  9. Joomla
  10. Yola

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no boosted cost to you, I'll earn a commission. When you purchase i of the products I recommend using my 1 of my chapter links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and proceed my content free of accuse to you. Know that I also only recommend products I personally stand behind.

Once y'all've done your inquiry and are ready to build a profitable blog—head over to my ultimate guide to starting a blog.

Want to Start Your Web log (the Right Way)?

Check out my ultimate guide: How to Get-go a Web log (on the Side).

1. WordPress (Self-Hosted)

WordPress the Best Free Blogging Site and CMS (Screenshot)

My #1 recommendation amid the best free blogging sites is: Self-Hosted WordPress. WordPress currently powers 34% of websites on the net.

Cocky-Hosted WordPress, also known as, is an open-source platform to build a weblog on—and it's 100% costless to use, because the creators of WordPress believe in democratizing publishing and the freedoms that come with open source.

In other words, the people who created and manage WordPress believe that people should take access to a platform where they can publish the things that matter to them—in the fashion they choose to do it. That's the power of purpose behind this free blogging site.

Who is a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog for?

One of the top reasons I recommend cocky-hosted WordPress every bit the absolute best gratuitous blogging site to employ, is that it's an all around great pick for a wide range of bloggers (and unlike web log budgets besides).

Whether you lot're an absolute beginner learning what a blog is today—or running a vi-figure website, WordPress gives y'all the best tools to make an incredible site capable of structuring a profitable blog business programme around it. Most importantly, a WordPress-powered blog can abound with you as you lot develop your style, branding and content over fourth dimension.

As explains, "Many end users of WordPress are non-technically minded. They don't know what AJAX is, nor exercise they care about which version of PHP they are using. The average WordPress user just wants to be able to write without problems or pause."

On the other mitt, they go on to say that with the many themes, plugins and access to coding (if y'all want), those bloggers who are more than technically minded likewise have the freedom to make their own websites however they desire.

Whether you lot're brand new or a seasoned blogger, WordPress is more than likely your all-time choice of free blogging sites—easily downwardly.

General Information Most Self-Hosted WordPress (also known as cocky-hosted WordPress) is an open-source content direction system (CMS) created in 2003 with the goal of giving the world a truly gratis blogging platform. Open up-source means software that'due south offered freely and can be modified by others. CMS is a software or program that lets you create and manage your digital content.

WordPress is completely free to use, merely you will demand to sign up for a paid monthly web hosting plan and purchase a domain proper noun in order to utilise it (i.due east. self-hosting).

We'll become into more detail about spider web hosting below, but it's of import to note that it'southward extremely affordable to run a self-hosted WordPress web log—think $2 to $ten/mo.

What is WordPress Hosting?

Hosting refers to a visitor that stores your website so it can exist viewed on the internet. Without information technology, your blog isn't actually live and readable to others.

In lodge for your content to be stored and distributed properly, y'all demand what's called a server. A web server is connected to the Internet and information technology receives requests (people wanting to read your blog content) and responds by displaying the pages of your website.

A home computer is not set up for properly hosting your own website (without some serious modifications and expenses). That's why you need the best spider web hosting plan from a reliable company to make certain your blog is connected to the Internet.

My personal recommendation for affordable & reliable web hosting is Bluehost. I've used them for years and am very happy with their services.

Bluehost Hosting for Free Blogging Sites on WordPress

Even if you choose their least expensive program (around $2.95/mo), y'all'll take a lot of great features like a free SSL certificate that makes your website ultra secure, unmetered bandwidth and a free domain name—forth with their great 24/7 technical back up to answer any questions yous've got.

They're also one of iii hosting companies specifically recommended by WordPress themselves (similar these managed WordPress hosting plans), and they offer an like shooting fish in a barrel 1-click installation for installing WordPress equally the gratis blogging site to power your blog backside the scenes.

Examples of Websites Created on Self-Hosted WordPress

Jane Goodall Found

Self-Hosted Free Blog Site WordPress Used by Jane Goodall

The Pioneer Adult female

Top Food Blog Pioneer Woman Built on WordPress

The Making Life

Crafting Example of a Free Blog Built with WordPress

A Look Inside Self-Hosted WordPress (Free Blogging Site)

If you log into your WordPress account and select "Add together a New Mail service" this is the screen y'all will encounter.

In that location are a few plugins added onto this free blog example, including Elementor and Yoast SEO.

In WordPress' editor, you tin can add media, change text, add together a contact form and many other things.

Where to Create New Posts Using WordPress as a Free Blogging Platform

If you want to add together a new page you will go to a screen that looks pretty much identical to the add new blog post screen.

WordPress as the CMS to Blog for Free and Publish New Posts

Here y'all tin can add different things or you can apply the Elementor plugin to utilize a drag-and-driblet interface for easier viewing.

How to Move Images and Edit Content Using the Free WordPress CMS

The free version of Elementor gives you a serial of "widgets" on the left-hand column that you tin use to customize your site.

Pros of Self-Hosted WordPress as a Free Blogging Site

Customization and Flexibility

Ane of the about appealing features most cocky-hosted WordPress equally a free blogging site, is that it is highly customizable. There are over a thousand themes to cull from and over 55,000 plugins. Many of the themes and plugins are free to utilize, merely at that place are premium ones that add together even more functionality as well.

With, you're pretty much complimentary to do anything you want with your blog, even starting a podcast and embedding episodes from your testify with like shooting fish in a barrel-to-use widgets and plugins—only exist certain you choose the right podcast hosting platform.

Easiest Blogging Site to Monetize on 💸

If y'all're planning on monetizing your weblog, is a skilful avenue. You're immune to monetize your blog any way you cull. Zero restrictions.

How to Make Money Blogging in 12 Proven Ways

If you lot also want to use your blog as an eCommerce site, you tin employ a plugin like WooCommerce (one of the best eCommerce website builders on the market) to accept payments, display products and manage inventory.

It's a Free Blogging Site That Grows With You lot

Different many of the other gratuitous blogging sites, WordPress tin can actually grow with you. If you lot notice that yous really like blogging and y'all want to take it to the next level, WordPress tin can take yous in that location.

Cons of Self-Hosted WordPress as a Free Blogging Site

Hosting Isn't Free

The WordPress blogging platform is free, only you'll still have to pay for self-hosting. You'll also need to pay for a domain proper noun with This may exist a deterrent for you lot, particularly if yous're looking for something that is completely gratuitous.

But, chances are as your weblog grows y'all're probably going to want to detect a platform that offers a lot more flexibility than the other gratuitous options. Instead of upgrading with a plan like Wix or Weebly, y'all can discover a fairly cheap hosting program and develop a blog that's exactly what you want.

College Learning Curve

WordPress is a good choice, even for newbies, but it does have a higher learning curve than some of our other free blogging sites like Wix or Weebly. The interface isn't quite as easy to navigate as the other "what you see is what you become" (WYSIWYG) website builders on this listing—without the right theme and folio architect.

If you lot do want to use a elevate-and-driblet page builder to create your blog, I'd highly recommend Elementor. Here'south what it looks like behind the scenes:

Elementor Best WordPress Themes Drag and Drop Page Builder Example

Elementor has an amazing free version that you tin can use and information technology allows yous to view what your site will wait like before you hit publish.

Plus, when this page builder is paired with their Elementor's (free) WordPress theme, it's a lightning fast combination that'll become your blog off the ground quickly—and set up up well for the months and years to come.


One last potential drawback to using self-hosted WordPress equally your free blogging platform, is that you lot're responsible for managing and maintaining everything on your blog. That includes things ensuring security plugins are safe, backups are happening regularly and updates are going live.

Some of these things may be provided for yous through your spider web hosting plan, especially if you lot're using a tiptop hosting company similar Dreamhost or Bluehost—only regardless, it does accept a little bit more time to maintain than some of the other gratuitous blogging sites we're roofing here.

2. Wix

Wix as a Free Blogging Site to Get Started on a Tight Budget

Wix first entered the scene every bit a costless blogging platform in 2006. Since and then, it has provided a website platform to a remarkable 150 one thousand thousand people. It is also used in 190 countries around the earth.

Wix is a website builder with a drag and drop interface. Information technology's a (WYSIWYG) software so you know exactly what your blog will look like earlier you hit the "publish" push button.

They have several paid plans, but they too offer a free option.

Who Would Like Wix

Wix is a good choice for someone who wants a really easy style to start their blog for gratis. If you lot want to offset a blog without having to take care of things like security, backups, hosting and so on, Wix is a skilful option. Wix takes intendance of all that for you, even on their free platform plans.

The gratis version of Wix would not work for someone who is looking to monetize their blog or create a more than customized look.

General Information about Wix

Wix was created past three founders who wanted a "platform that empowered anyone to create their ain website with no coding or pattern skills needed." Hence their connected focus on providing a free blogging site option to new bloggers around the world.

In other words, they wanted to create a really piece of cake way for people to create a blog or website.

With the free version of Wix you get:

  • Up to 500MG storage
  • Upwards to 500MB bandwidth
  • Customer Support

Examples of Wix Websites

If y'all want to start a food blog and keep it ultra simple, hither's a good example of how to pull it off on this costless blogging site:

Food Blog Example that's Built Using Wix for Free

And hither's an example of a more portfolio-driven site:

Example of a Free Blog Built with Wix

These are examples that Wix highlights as what you can create with their complimentary blogging site tools.

They're visually very stunning, just they were likely created using Wix's more premium plans.

A Look Inside Wix

Wix is a true elevate-and-drop builder. That means yous take features from the left side column and drop them directly on to the page. You can and then dispense text, images, videos, apps, and more merely by moving them around.

Wix Content Editor Tutorial Screenshot

How to Edit Content in Free Wix Blog Designer

Then nice thing about Wix is yous tin can really change any chemical element on your pages.

One of the drawbacks of Wix equally an editor though, is it does not offer the same flexibility with blogging features as it does on your more static pages.

Example of a Wix Blog Post (Screenshot)

The blogging interface is fairly basic with Wix. There are a limited number of settings for images and text making this far less highly-seasoned for a free blog site.

Pros of Wix every bit a Gratis Blogging Site

Very Like shooting fish in a barrel to Use

It can't be denied that Wix is actually easy to use. With drag-and-drop for the website and the power to see exactly what you're getting, it's super uncomplicated for beginners.

Completely Free (if You Stay on the Correct Plan)

The free version of Wix is completely free. No need to sign upward for hosting or a domain name.

Cons of Wix as a Free Blogging Site

Wix Branding and Advertizing

Similar, if y'all use a complimentary Wix site, your site volition have Wix branding on it (which is a standard feature of all complimentary blogging sites).

Wix's name will exist in your URL, and there will be Wix ad on your site.

Picayune to No Monetization

Because Wix uses their own advertising, they practise not let you to run your own ads on the free version. At that place's also no eCommerce option for Wix's gratuitous blogging sites.

Express Blogging Functions

While Wix has very responsive website features that make it easy and intuitive to use, its blogging platform isn't equally strong. It'south still piece of cake to use, but it's far more than restrictive than the regular website pages yous can create on Wix.

Bonus: If you lot're interested in nutrient blogging as a potential niche to dive deep into, then check out my own real-earth approach to food blogging with my girlfriend's vegan food blog, Vegan Anj.

No Site Migration

If you showtime your blog and decide that Wix isn't where yous'd similar to stay, information technology's extremely hard to migrate abroad from their costless blogging site. They have no like shooting fish in a barrel option for site migration, and so yous'll have to exist more tech-savvy to transfer your content.

Can't Modify Templates

Wix has a prissy choice of cute templates, but you're more or less stuck with one in one case you lot've chosen it—a fairly common occurrence with free blogging sites like this. This is a big downfall if you have a different vision for your blog in the hereafter, but cipher that can't be overcome past working with their back up squad.


WordPress Dot Com as a Top Free Blogging Site to Use

Even if you're new to blogging, you've probably heard of WordPress.

What yous may not know however—is that there are two dissimilar types of WordPress. In that location's (Cocky-Hosted) and Both of this actually offer options to serve as one of the all-time free blogging sites.

I reviewed (self-hosted) beginning as our #i pick hither among the best free blogging sites, only now permit'south talk about it's counterpart— has paid plans, but they likewise offering a limited gratuitous version also.

Who Would Like

The complimentary version of would work well for someone who wants to test out a blog, merely isn't too concerned with monetizing information technology or having admission to a lot of features—at least for now. While this is common amongst the free blogging sites on the market today, it'due south a pretty substantial drawback in my opinion.

For those who desire a uncomplicated hobby blog, or for those who only want to see if they enjoy blogging, is an like shooting fish in a barrel option for a sturdy, free weblog site.

Another prissy benefit of is you lot do have room to abound with this platform. You tin can buy more expensive plans for added benefits. You can also migrate your site easily from to if you lot would like more flexibility in the hereafter.

General Data About launched in 2005 as a way to "bring the WordPress experience to an even larger audience," and has connected to offering their truly free blogging sites every bit a gateway for new content creators to enter the world of blogging on a budget. describes themselves as, "a hosted version of the open-source software. Here, y'all can kickoff a blog or build a website in seconds without any technical knowledge."

Instead of paying for self-hosting, the hosting plan is part of the experience. This is true even with the free version of

The free version of includes:

  • Jetpack Essential Features
  • 3G Storage
  • Dozens of costless themes

Examples of Websites Created on

Here's a await at some of the themes available for

Examples of Free Blogs Built on WordPress (Screenshot)

A Look Inside's interface has some similarities to the self-hosted version, but it'southward not identical and doesn't come with every bit much functionality.

Tutorial of Creating a Free WordPress Blog

In one case you create a blog on you lot'll be taken to this folio. Y'all tin can cull options similar "stats," "design" and "tools."

Screen Shot 2019 08 20 at 3.54.49 PM does give you access to the admin dashboard that'south used in cocky-hosted WordPress, but it tin exist a bit more than confusing using both dashboards if you're non already familiar with WordPress.

Screenshot of the Free WordPress Content Editor

Pros of as a Complimentary Blogging Site

Completely Complimentary

If you lot apply the free version of, yous can run a blog completely free. Y'all don't fifty-fifty need to worry most paying for a domain proper name as your free blogging site will be hosted at a URL like

Maintenance Free

With, you don't take to worry near things similar site security, updates, or hosting. These things are taken care of for you through WordPress—even on their free platform. also offers live chat community support and a forum where yous tin inquire questions.

Cons of as a Free Blogging Site

WordPress Branding

When you use a gratis account, your spider web address will include WordPress (similar, which is fairly common amongst gratis blogging sites.

While you don't have to pay for a domain name, it doesn't look make clean and professional to take the WordPress branding. It'southward also harder for people to call up your web accost than if information technology was simply

Limitations with Customization does offering a variety of gratis themes and plugins that yous can use with your weblog. But, information technology doesn't offer about as many equally the paid versions of Neither the complimentary or paid version of offers as much access to plugins and themes as

Petty to No Monetization is non a good choice if you're planning to monetize your blog. The free version of may allow you to restrictively apply affiliate links, but y'all will not be able to annunciate in any other way.

Their ads are displayed on your site and yous have no control over them nor do you make revenue from them.

There's also no eCommerce option with the costless blogging site version of

More Difficult to Use Than Other Website Builders is not an extremely hard interface, just information technology isn't equally like shooting fish in a barrel to use as Wix and Weebly.

The ability to switch betwixt the interface and the admin does give you more flexibility with this free blogging site, simply it makes things more complicated for new bloggers.

four. Weebly

Weebly Free Blogging Sites to Build Your Blog On

Weebly is some other extremely popular pick amongst the all-time gratis blogging sites today—largely because information technology'south easy to utilise and congenital especially with eCommerce in mind.

Like Wix from above, this free blogging site also has a elevate-and-drop characteristic, and is centered around a WYSIWYG page builder. It'due south very user-friendly to a brand new blogger that wants to examination things out using a free platform to get familiar with blogging.

Weebly starts out as a free blog site, but besides offers premium plans to unlock more than features, get your own weblog name and let more readers to your site.

Who Would Like Weebly?

Weebly is another good option for a blogger who wants a really easy (complimentary) website builder to piece of work with.

It likewise has an eCommerce selection and then y'all tin use it to first a small business organisation and sell physical or digital items correct from your weblog.

The costless version of Weebly would non be a recommended pick as a long term blog that you intend on monetizing.

General Information Nigh Weebly

Weebly was established as a free blogging site dorsum in 2006, the same year equally Wix. Their Free Programme Includes:

  • Gratuitous SSL Security
  • 500MB Storage
  • SEO
  • Lead Capture and Contact Forms
  • Customs Forum
  • Chat and Electronic mail Support

Examples of Weebly Sites

The Whiskey Ball:

Example of Weebly Site Screenshot

Detailed Engagements:

Example of a Wedding Website Built with Free Blogging Platform Weebly

These examples are featured on Weebly'south website, simply they're more than likely created with premium plans (rather than just their free blogging site features).

A Wait Within Weebly

If you choose Weebly's free plan, you'll get this initial option:

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For our free blogging sites roundup here, I've decided to choose a website with an online store to fully explore what Weebly has to offer. If y'all want to run but a content-driven weblog, choose "I just need a website."

Then you can choose from a number of gratis themes.

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Once you lot pick a theme you lot can go to the editor.

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The sidebar dash is very to ease, but it is not as intuitive or easy to use every bit the Wix interface. Plus, y'all also take a lot more customization options with Wix.

If you desire to add a blog postal service, information technology's really simple. Plus, there's more than flexibility with Weebly on this side of things, than with Wix. The same drag-and-drib options y'all have for your website are available with your blog posts.

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Because Weebly is focused on eCommerce, y'all can also add products and categories.

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Pros of Weebly as a Complimentary Blogging Site

Completely Free

Weebly'southward free version is completely gratis. No domain or hosting costs. A great mode to go started if you desire to exam things out on a free blogging site with no strings attached.

Easy to Use

Weebly is really easy to employ and offers the aforementioned quick fix up to create posts through their costless blogging platform. Y'all tin can brand attractive and interesting blog posts using Weebly'southward free plan. The Weebly blog option has more features and customization ability than Wix's blogging platform.

Change Themes Easily

With Weebly, you tin alter your themes as often every bit you similar. You're not locked into a theme forever, which is a overnice option if you'd like to modify things up after you get your blog off the ground.

eCommerce Options

At that place is an option to sell items right from your blog with Weebly. If you lot'd similar to utilize this as a manner to monetize your site, it is possible with Weebly.

Cons of Weebly as a Free Blogging Site

Weebly Branding

As with and, you lot'll accept to deal with the Weebly branding for the free version. That means your URL will have the Weebly branding and they volition run Weebly ads on your site.

Unlike the other 2 options, Weebly does permit yous to put in a custom domain name with the free version of Weebly. You still have Weebly ads, but you volition be able to utilize your ain domain name.

Not as Easy every bit Wix to Learn

Weebly has a more customizable blogging characteristic, but the platform, in full general, is not as easy or intuitive as Wix.

Limited Customization

Compared to my top selection amongst gratuitous blogging sites (, Weebly has far fewer ways to customize your gratis blog site. With but a handful of themes and apps, information technology doesn't compare to or

5. Medium

Medium as a Free Blogging Site to Use for Getting Started Today

Medium is unlike the other names on this list of free blogging sites, because information technology'south not really a true website builder.

In fact, while Medium is a complimentary blogging site, information technology functions slightly more like a community of writers meets social media platform.

That being said, Medium is completely free to share your web log content on, and you tin can get started right abroad.

Who Would Like Medium

Medium is a good option for writers looking for exposure through a free blogging site that also has a large built-in customs component. Information technology would piece of work well for a hobby blog, or to starting time finding your voice as a writer.

Another reason people use Medium is to requite new life to the content they produced elsewhere. Since Medium has a born audience, some people choose to republish web log posts that they have already posted on their principal blog—to help drive traffic back to their blogs.

General Data About Medium

Medium was originally created not as a free blogging site, but rather to be a social media outlet for people who wanted to write longer posts than the ones you could find on Facebook or Twitter.

When Medium launched in 2012, CEO Ev Williams posted a blog post named, "Welcome to Medium." In it, he explained the purpose of the platform.

"Medium is a new identify on the Internet where people share blog post ideas and stories that are longer than 140 characters and not just for friends. It'due south designed for little stories that brand your day better and manifestos that change the world…"

"On Medium, you lot can contribute often or merely once in a blue moon, without the commitment of a blog. And either way, yous're publishing into a thriving, pulsing network — not a standalone website, which you lonely are responsible for keeping alive."

So the main entreatment of Medium is that information technology gives you a built-in audition—similar to when you post content on YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Example of a Blog Post Created on Medium

Here'southward a post I wrote for my Medium blog a few years agone, where I sometimes republish content to attract more readers:

Medium Free Blogging Sites Article Posting Example Screenshot

There'south no need to testify you multiple blog posts on Medium, because autonomously from different pictures or videos, the blog layouts are essentially all the same.

A Wait Inside Medium

Screen Shot 2019 08 26 at 7.18.46 AM

When you commencement your Medium account yous'll be asked to selection topics you're interested in.

This has more to do with the blazon of articles that will bear witness up on your feed and less about your ain web log.

When you showtime writing a blog post, this is what your initial screen volition look like.

Screen Shot 2019 08 26 at 7.20.15 AM copy

These are your editing options. Here's what information technology looks like once you write a headline and add a top image.

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You can embed videos straight into your blog posts on Medium.

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Y'all tin can also embed social media posts like this i from my Twitter account.

Apart from those features, there's very little you can practice to change the look of your blog postal service or customize information technology.

And you can search the Unsplash media gallery to add together pictures related to your blog post.

Pros of Medium as a Costless Blogging Site

Easy to Learn and Publish

Medium might just be the easiest free blogging site to use out of all the options on this listing. Just sign up and commencement writing. No need to fix a website or wait for hosting. Everything is ready for you to get started immediately.

The blogging interface is also extremely easy and takes no time at all to empathise.

Completely Gratuitous to Use

Medium is completely gratuitous to employ. No hidden fees or upgrades needed, making it a truly costless blog site.

Built-in Audience

When you publish on Medium, you're writing to an audition that already exists. You don't necessarily have to compete with SEO masters on Google in society to learn how to find your target audience on Medium, peculiarly since there are hundreds of dedicated Medium publications that can feature your content (if you do some smart blogger outreach to impress them with your writing).

Cons of Medium as a Free Blogging Site

Virtually No Customization

Apart from adding images, videos, or embedding social media posts, every post on Medium looks the same. It'south similar posting on Facebook—your text and images are different—only every post has basically the aforementioned layout and design.

With Medium, in that location are no themes, apps, or plugins to customize your posts, which does make it i of the about uncomplicated complimentary blogging platforms on the market today.

No (Real) Monetization

Medium is non a platform you can apply to monetize your web log. In that location's no option for ads or eCommerce. It'south explicitly confronting the rules to, "advertise or promote third-party products, services, or brands through Medium posts, publications, or messages," but you tin can still promote your blog content with tactics like blogger outreach.

You tin can use affiliate links, but you're not allowed to create content, "primarily to drive traffic to, or increase the search rankings of, an external site, production, or service… Scraping and reposting content from other sources for the main purpose of generating revenue or other personal gains." One viable way to earn some income from Medium though, is to write an eBook that yous can sell to your well-nigh engaged audience (done carefully on an external site, of course).

You Don't Accept a Blog of Your Own

With Medium as your free blog site, you don't have to take care of the upkeep of a blog which could be a plus for some. On the other hand, you lot ultimately take no control over the content that you publish.

You exercise, "own the rights to the content yous create and post on Medium." Just your content can also exist removed for "whatever reason."

Allow me exist clear. With Medium, y'all're publishing on someone else's website. That means they accept control over the way things are presented.

They can also change the way they do things at Medium without consulting y'all or considering your interests… and hell, they tin can even go out of business organization one day, taking your free web log site right along with it.

That'due south one of the biggest reasons why hosting your own blog (where y'all're in control) is the smartest manner to start a weblog.

half dozen. Blogger

Blogger as a Free Blog Site to Use for Building a Blog for Free

Blogger is another solid (withal slightly outdated) selection for costless blogging sites designed for those who desire a free weblog to exam the waters on.

Purchased past Google back in 2003, with this costless blogging site—instead of actually owning your ain site, you're more-or-less renting information technology from Google.

Who Would Like Blogger

Blogger can be a decent option if you're looking for a gratuitous identify to start your hobby web log. However, with many more than future-proof, modern complimentary blogging sites available on the market today, I wouldn't personally recommend going with Blogger.

General Information Nearly Blogger

Blogger was originally created past Pyra Labs in 1999 to be a gratuitous blogging site for the masses (dorsum in the very early days of blogging), just was later purchased past Google in 2003 as the platform grew significantly.

At one time, it was a very popular style to start a blog on a budget. Today, not so much anymore.

While there are multiple options for customization with Blogger, it doesn't have the sophistication of more mod blogging sites.

Examples of Websites Created on Blogger

Example of Website Created on Blogger's Free Blogging Platform

A Expect Within Blogger

Here'due south an example of some of the themes available with Blogger, as a complimentary blogging site:

How to Create a Free Blog on Blogger (Screenshot Tutorial)

Your blog post editor has a number of customization options, which actually come shut to what you'll go from a amend blogging site similar WordPress.

Screenshot of a Blogger Article Example

There are a scattering of fonts you can cull from, and you can load pictures and videos. You can likewise add together HTML lawmaking for greater customization.

The website editor can be a flake clunky and difficult to navigate, though…

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You also accept to "preview" your weblog before yous tin run across the changes y'all've made.

Pros of Blogger as a Free Blogging Site

Gratis to Use

You can create a blog with Blogger and you'll have no fees. No hosting fees. Yous can cull to pay for a domain name which will eliminate the branding from blogspot in your URL.

Monetization Choices

Probably 1 of the best things almost Blogger as a gratuitous blog site, is the ability to run AdSense ads on your page. You have a lot more freedom to monetize your site with Blogger than many of the other gratuitous blogging sites we've discussed.

Cons of Blogger as a Gratuitous Blogging Site

No Ownership of Your Site

Unfortunately, with Blogger you don't actually own your site. That ways Google can cull to close down your site if they want to.

Not equally Easy to Use as Other Options

While Blogger is adequately simple to run, it does accept a higher learning curve than many of the other options. Information technology also has a smaller payoff once you practice acquire how to run it.

Express Customization

There are several dissimilar things yous can alter with Blogger, only ultimately it's not loaded down with customization options.

Outdated Interface

Not a lot of people are using Blogger every bit a gratis blogging site these days, considering it isn't up-to-date with other options like we've cleaved downwardly here already. The interface is not equally user-friendly or modern every bit other blogging platforms.

7. Ghost

Ghost as a Free Blogging Platform to Build a Blog on a Budget

Ghost was founded in 2013 from a Kickstarter project, with the intention of offering a costless blogging site to professional writers. It has some similarities to WordPress, and like WordPress, it has a hosted and cocky-hosted version.

The self-hosted version is free, but (like with WordPress) does require a domain name and hosting.

Who Would Like Ghost

Ghost would work well for people who are looking for a uncomplicated, free blog site that'south specifically geared towards blogging. While WordPress began as a blogging platform, it has evolved into much more than that.

Ghost is still solely focused on blogging—not on full general website production or eCommerce.

John O'Nolan, founder of Ghost has shared, "If y'all desire a simple website with eCommerce that you use to run your concern, requite Squarespace a endeavor. If you want to participate in a social network with sharing and re-posting and lots of cats, mayhap Tumblr would be a better fit for you. On the other hand, if yous're looking to develop your own fully-fledged website or application with every imaginable bell and whistle, WordPress might be ideal."

He continues, "If yous want to accept a simple only powerful contained publication, something that's focused on the writing experience and giving you lot the liberty to exist in consummate control of your content, and so you might find Ghost interesting."

Full general Information About Ghost

Ghost exists as a gratuitous blogging site, primarily considering John O'Nolan wanted to create something like WordPress that was solely for writers, while being more minimalistic and easier to navigate.

Ghost is a not-turn a profit that is still in its infancy and yet gaining its footing as a free blogging platform. While I certainly wouldn't recommend Ghost over WordPress every bit a costless blogging site at this betoken, I would go along an eye out for what they're doing.

It too seems that they're planning on changing the direction of their platform in the upcoming months.

Here's an extract from Ghost's 2018 inside await:

"Nosotros spent a very long time trying to compete on convenience and simplicity. This was our biggest mistake and the hardest lesson to learn – because user feedback told united states that this was what was nigh important… But it concluded upwardly existence still not simple plenty for the average user, and not powerful or flexible plenty for the professional person user — the worst of both worlds.

So the biggest takeaway after 5 years is that we have been moving, and will continue to move upward marketplace, toward professional users who value ability and flexibility over ease of signup. This is where we can win compared to the competition. This is where Ghost comes into its ain."

The hosted version of Ghost has its everyman plan priced at $29 a month, so it obviously doesn't take a free option.

Ghost is an open-source CMS though, then there is a gratis cocky-hosted version bachelor. Signing up for that is less straight-frontward than going with as your free blog site of selection, though.

Hosting Options for Ghost

Not all hosting companies support Ghost as a blogging platform, simply here's a list of peachy hosts that practice:

  1. A2 Hosting
  2. Cloudways
  3. Digital Ocean
  4. HostPapa

An Example of a Ghost Theme

Screen Shot 2019 08 23 at 2.07.02 PM

A Look Within Ghost

One cool thing that Ghost offers is an actual mode of checking it out before you swoop in. It'due south called

Screen Shot 2019 08 23 at 2.10.14 PM

With information technology, you lot can pick a theme, insert the admin info they provide, and actually mess around with the software for free.

Screen Shot 2019 08 23 at 2.11.35 PM

One time y'all've selected a theme, it takes y'all to a testing area where y'all can choose different options and play effectually with the features.

The blogging features are very clean and simple.

Screen Shot 2019 08 23 at 2.12.46 PM

Here's a expect at some of the elements yous can add to your weblog post:

Screen Shot 2019 08 23 at 2.16.46 PM

An example of what yous tin create as a weblog postal service:

Ghost Screenshot of Free Blogging Platform Content Sample

Information technology'south a adequately simple layout without an affluence of options. It does, yet, have a characteristic called "markdown" which converts content into HTML lawmaking.

Like this:

Example of a Blog Post in Ghost Blogging Platform

To this:

Screenshot of Ghost Content Editor as a Blogging Platform

Pros of Ghost as a Complimentary Blogging Site

Simple and Piece of cake to Apply

For those who desire a clean infinite to sit and write—Ghost offers only that.

Information technology'due south easy to navigate and isn't weighed downwardly by a lot of extras. It'southward minimalistic setup makes it easy for bloggers to sit down and write.

In that location'southward Room to Grow

Ghost is a newer establishment and then it volition exist interesting to see how they develop over the next few years. They may change the blogging sphere in interesting means—similar using javascript instead of PHP to run their blogging site.

Cons of Ghost as a Free Blogging Site

Not the Virtually Customizable Option

It's pro is also somewhat its con, every bit founder John O'Nolan has noted. In their effort to create simplicity, they have missed another group of people who want more flexibility and customization.

Hosting and Domain Proper noun Fees

As with, Ghost offers no completely gratis blogging site option, because you'll yet be responsible for your monthly hosting programme and getting a domain proper name.

Harder to Discover Hosting Plans

Considering Ghost chose to utilize javascript (node.js) to power their free blogging platform, it's more than hard to find a hosting visitor that supports it from a technical standpoint—aside from their own hosting plans, of course.

eight. Tumblr

Tumblr as a Top Free Blog Site to Get Started on

Tumblr is an alternative free blogging site that currently hosts 476 million different blogs, and it was just recently purchased by Automattic (the visitor behind WordPress). Similar Medium though, Tumblr is a mix between a blog and a social media channel.

Who Would Similar Tumblr

Tumblr is geared towards a younger generation and trends well with 18-29 year olds. It'southward a fun and interesting way to share your content. Tumblr describes itself equally a place where you can find just about anything, making it a fascinating alloy of gratuitous blogging site and built-in community.

It'south a groovy selection for people who desire to produce relatively quick or brusque content and don't desire to exist bogged downward by website production or the extra work involved with running your own site.

Tumblr would not exist an platonic pick for someone interested in owning their own blog/website. It would also be an unlikely choice for someone starting a business, although you could use Tumblr to funnel traffic to an outside shop similar Etsy or eBay.

General Information About Tumblr

Tumblr was created as a gratuitous blog platform in 2007 by David Karp. Sometimes Tumblr is referred to every bit micro-blogging, which is what Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are. But, Tumblr is more middle of the road betwixt Twitter and WordPress. Information technology'south multi-media and a picayune different than most other forms of blogging sites out there.

In an interview with TechCrunch, David Karp describes the reason he created Tumblr. "All blogs took the aforementioned form… I wanted something much more free-form, much less verbose."

He went on to explicate that some people desire to create an online identity without learning the process of website building. He said, "It's a delivery, you need to sit down for an hour and hammer out a postal service." He believes that WordPress is the all-time tool for people who enjoyed writing and wanted to put in the extra fourth dimension, only it was the wrong tool for those who didn't.

Tumblr describes their platform this way: "Nosotros fabricated it really, really simple for people to brand a blog and put any they want on information technology. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, impaired jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff. Tumblr is 476 one thousand thousand different blogs, filled with literally whatever."

Another compelling part of Tumblr is you tin can follow people on it. You lot tin build a following through the platform and like Instagram, those people will run across your new posts on their dashboard. People tin can also reblog your content so it gets shared and shared once more.

Changes for Tumblr

As of Baronial of 2019, Automattic, the owner of WordPress, purchased Tumblr. It'south nonetheless unclear what changes might come from this conquering, but executives from both entities said they're looking for ways for and Tumblr to share services and functionality.

Tumblr has lost popularity since its original launch, partly due to its more than recent ban of adult cloth, merely Automattic may exhale new life into this gratuitous blogging site.

Examples of Blog Posts Created on Tumblr

Here'southward a fun 1 from NPR:

Example of a Blog Post on Tumblr (screenshot)

And here'southward another example of artistic Tumblr content:

Tumblr Free Blog Site Example of Post Format

A Look Inside Tumblr

Tumblr allows you lot to include things similar gifs, sound, and quotes.

How to Use Tumblr as a Free Blogging Platform

Information technology functions as a social media platform every bit well simply information technology'southward very playful in nature.

Hither's what it looks like when you lot first log in to your account.

Tumblr Content Editor Screenshot

You can also add videos, images, and tags.

Pros of Tumblr every bit a Gratuitous Blogging Site

Fun, Creative and Interesting Customs

If you desire to produce fun and interesting content without existence weighed downward past website construction, Tumblr is a vibrant place to express your creativity—and one of the most widely used costless blogging sites in the world.

Free to Use

Like Medium, you don't have to pay to mail on Tumblr. You lot're complimentary to do what you want on the platform without extra fees—it'southward a truly 100% free blogging site.

Ability to Monetize

Surprisingly, Tumblr offers a variety of ways to monetize your blog including ads and affiliate links.

Cons of Tumblr as a Gratuitous Blogging Site

You lot Don't Ain your Site or Your Content

When you apply Tumblr yous have no control over changes made to the platform, which is ane of the biggest drawbacks of using this as a free blog site. And while you own the "subscriber content" yous create, Tumblr also has certain rights to it. Their privacy policy explains,

"When you lot provide Subscriber Content to Tumblr through the Services, you grant Tumblr a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable right and license to use, host, store, cache, reproduce, publish, display (publicly or otherwise), perform (publicly or otherwise), distribute, transmit, modify, conform (including, without limitation, in order to conform information technology to the requirements of whatsoever networks, devices, services, or media through which the Services are available), and create derivative works of, such Subscriber Content."

On Tumblr, when people reblog your content, they also have the right to modify it. This may non exist the worst thing, but if you want your original content to remain untouched, Tumblr probably isn't your best choice.

Limited Customization

While Tumblr allows you to exist very creative with the multimedia content that y'all share, especially amongst gratis blogging sites, the outlet itself is very standard. Y'all don't accept the flexibility to extend your features or add together custom themes.

9. Joomla (Self-Hosted)

Joomla Self-Hosted Free Blogging Site to Use on a Budget

Similar to WordPress, Joomla is also an open-source CMS. And like with running a self-hosted WordPress site, you'll be required to purchase your domain name and hosting plan in lodge to fully apply this otherwise free blogging site.

Joomla is the second near popular CMS in the earth (behind WordPress) and powers around 58 one thousand thousand websites.

Who Would Like Joomla

Joomla requires a flake more technical knowledge than WordPress and well-nigh of our other top gratis weblog sites here today, so it wouldn't be ideal for someone looking for a very easy (non-technical) platform.

It also has a more avant-garde user arrangement, so that ways if you exercise have the technical knowledge, there'south more you tin do right out of the box.

Another selling point about Joomla is it has multilingual support built into it without adding any additional plugins.

General Information Near Joomla

Joomla was originally chosen Mambo. Mambo was adult in 2000 by an Australian company called Miro. Eventually, the source code was "forked" into what'southward now called Joomla.

Joomla was officially launched in 2005, and has had several major updates since.

If you desire to increase the capability of Joomla, you can add an extension.

Joomla has 5 types of extensions:

1. Components

Components are similar mini-applications. Most have 2 parts to them, an administrative side and a site side.

two. Modules

This extension is used for folio rendering. A footer or a login would be examples of modules.

3. Plugins

Plugins in Joomla refer to a function that triggers an event. This could be something similar calculation a form to your site, adding shortcuts, or adding an extra authentication method.

4. Templates

A template is the way the website looks. It changes the manner the component and the modules volition be viewed.

5. Languages

Extra languages are already built into the core Joomla parcel, only more than can be added with an extension.

Hosting with Bluehost

Joomla also requires y'all to self-host your website, which technically pushes it a little away from being a completely free blogging site. I highly recommend using Bluehost for your Joomla hosting besides. Bluehost currently hosts over 85,000 Joomla sites, and information technology gives you a 1-click installation choice immediately after signing upwards—but y'all tin can check out my compilation of 25 honest Bluehost reviews and brand that conclusion for yourself.

Examples of Websites Created on Joomla

Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences:

Harvard Website Built on Free Blogging Site Joomla Screenshot

The Hill (a politics news website):

Example of a Joomla Built Blog Screenshot

Pros of Joomla as a Gratuitous Blogging Site

Great Multilingual Options

Joomla is a not bad choice for people searching for a way to translate their website into many different languages.

Customization and Flexibility

Joomla allows you to practise many things with your website and web log. You're not locked into a particular theme or minimal set of features. This level of flexibility gives yous the ability to grow your blog.

Proficient for Monetization

With Joomla, you lot tin can monetize your site however you like, even as a free blogging platform which is an attractive characteristic. You tin include ads, use chapter links, and sell products as you see fit.

Joomla has eCommerce extensions like Eshop and J2Store that you tin use to set up shopping carts and add products.

Cons of Joomla equally a Free Blogging Site

Requires Moderate Level Tech Skills

If you lot're make new to site building and blogging, Joomla would probably not be the best choice for yous. Someone who has some running noesis of coding would practise better with this free blogging site.

Cost for Domain and Hosting

The Joomla CMS is free to utilise, but you will still accept to pay for your domain name and hosting.

Some Compatibility Problems

Some of the plugins with Joomla have compatibility issues. These could exist resolved past someone with more extensive coding experience, but is not a reasonable artery for people with express coding knowledge.

This frustration is compounded by the fact that many of the plugins are not gratis, so you're paying for a plugin that is incompatible with other plugins you've installed.

Site and Security Maintenance

Again, with whatever CMS, the onus is on yous to make certain that your site is secure and properly maintained. If you're looking for a very easy way to maintain your site, you may adopt something like Wix or Weebly who do the groundwork work for you—even on some of their near bones gratuitous weblog site plans.

10. Yola

Yola Free Blogging Site Homepage Screenshot and Example

Yola is a complimentary blogging site that's adequately easy to apply, with a elevate-and-drop feature. It'due south WYSIWYG, straightforward and it doesn't take long to learn & utilize.

Who Would Like Yola

I personally wouldn't consider Yola'due south gratuitous version as the best gratis blogging site to go with. While it does give you access to some squeamish responsive templates, the free version is very limited and doesn't quite stack up against the other free blogging sites we've compared in this list.

The ability to use your Yola site equally an eCommerce infinite is probably one of its more alluring features. Unfortunately, this is not available with the complimentary program.

Nigh importantly, you tin can't create a blog straight on the Yola site. You tin can only create a blog by integrating an already existing Tumblr blog.

With these things in heed, I would only recommend the free version of Yola'southward a mode to play effectually with website edifice or to determine whether you're interested in paying for a college premium programme.

General Information About Yola

Yola began as a gratuitous blogging site in South Africa during 2007. The company is located in Greatcoat Town and currently has over 12 meg users.

Yola has around lxxx templates — one modest issue with their templates is they are not categorized in any way. And so y'all'll have to make up one's mind if y'all think the template works for the site you're trying to create.

The Sitebuilder is bachelor in vi languages including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Castilian.

Their goal is, "Making it easy for y'all to get your business online."

With a free plan you go:

  • 3 Pages
  • 1GB bandwidth
  • 1GB storage
  • Yola subdomain

An Case of a Website Created on Yola

Transportation Children's Center:

Example of a Free Blog Built on Yola

A Look Within Yola

Screenshot of Yola Tour

Yola allows y'all to choose a template to start with designing your weblog. You lot can even choose a blank template if you'd like to offset from scratch.

Example of Free Blogging Site Yola Built Blog

Hither's what the editor looks like with the called template. In order to get started, y'all tin can remove the standard pictures and exchange them for your images.

Yola Editor Example of a Free Blog Site in Progress

There are a lot of things you can customize on Yola including font, colour, alignment etc.

Yola Editor Screenshot of Free Blog Site in Action

Yous tin can drag-and-drop widgets into place, simply they practise take to land in a predetermined area.

This can be a petty restrictive if yous accept a dissimilar vision of what your blog should look like in your mind.

Pros of Yola as a Gratis Blogging Site

Fairly Uncomplicated to Use

Yola has a low learning curve and it doesn't take a lot of time to start putting together a website.

Costless to Start

You lot can get-go using Yola right abroad without paying for anything, but volition accept to upgrade to remove Yola branding, add together multiple pages to your site or sell products online.

Customization and HTML

Yola does offer quite a few customization choices for a costless blogging site and y'all tin can add coding for boosted features. They do explain that your coding may conflict with their Site builder at times, then that's something to be aware of.

Cons of Yola as a Costless Blogging Site

Yola Branding

With the free plan, you volition have a prominent Yola ad on the footer of your page.

Only Three Pages

If you're using the free plan with Yola, yous are only able to accept three pages full.

No In-Firm Blogging Options

Perchance the biggest trouble with Yola is y'all cannot run a web log straight from the editor. You would instead have to create a blog on Tumblr and integrate it into your Yola site.

Take to Upgrade to Add a Store

Yola does have quite a few attractive eCommerce features, especially for a free blog site, but you'll have to upgrade to utilise them. You tin can't add a store with the gratis packet.

Which Free Blogging Site is All-time For You?

Which costless blogging site matches what you lot're looking for is ultimately upwardly to you lot.

If y'all're looking for an extremely simple fashion to start a weblog and aren't concerned about making a profit with your site, something like Wix equally a complimentary blogging site might be your speed, at least from a starting point.

If you want something fun and a little unusual with a built-in community, you may want to choose Tumblr.

For the top one-size-fits-all answer to which of these blogging sites are best though… I wouldsimply recommend cocky-hosted WordPress equally the style for you to start your blog today—especially if you eventually want to touch on the lives of lots of readers or build a business organization effectually your blog.

In short, if your blogging goals include somewhen generating revenue from your site and having a cohesive weblog strategy that attracts readers, self-hosted WordPress is still the all-time style to go.

WordPress gives you the greatest potential to grow as a free blogging site (without forcing you to migrate your site before long after you get started). On you tin can start a simple hobby blog or build a profitable business organisation. And for those who desire something piece of cake to start, you don't need any tech experience at all.

A self-hosted web log on WordPress has by far the greatest potential for bloggers who desire to build a existent business—and you can keep your blogging costs downwards to around $5.00/mo with the right cheap hosting plan, likewise.

Once you've done your research and are ready to build a profitable web log—head over to my ultimate guide to starting a weblog.

Want to Kickoff Your Web log (the Right Way)?

Check out my ultimate guide How to Start a Blog (on the Side).


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